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- SRM Firmware Howto
- David Mosberger <mailto:davidm@azstarnet.com>
- v0.5, 17 August 1996
- This document describes how to boot Linux/Alpha using the SRM
- firmware, which is the firmware normally used to boot DEC Unix. Gen¡
- erally, it is preferable to use MILO instead of aboot since MILO is
- perfectly adapted to the needs of Linux. However, MILO is not always
- available for a particular system and MILO does not presently have the
- ability to boot over the network. In either case, using the SRM con¡
- sole may be the right solution.
- Unless you're interested in technical details, you may want to skip
- right to Section ``''.
- 1. How Does SRM Boot an OS?
- All versions of SRM can boot from SCSI disks and the versions for
- recent platforms, such as the Noname or AlphaStations can boot from
- floppy disks as well. Network booting via bootp is supported. Note
- that older SRM versions (notably the one for the Jensen) cannot boot
- from floppy disks. Also, booting from IDE disk drives is unsupported.
- Booting Linux with SRM is a two step process: first, SRM loads and
- transfers control to the secondary bootstrap loader. Then the
- secondary bootstrap loader sets up the environment for Linux, reads
- the kernel image from a disk filesystem and finally transfers control
- to Linux.
- Currently, there are two secondary bootstrap loaders for Linux: the
- raw loader that comes with the Linux kernel and aboot which is
- distributed separately. These two loaders are described in more
- detail below.
- 1.1. Loading The Secondary Bootstrap Loader
- SRM knows nothing about filesystems or disk-partitions. It simply
- expects that the secondary bootstrap loader occupies a consecutive
- range of physical disk sector, starting from a given offset. The
- information on the size of the secondary bootstrap loader and the
- offset of its first disk sector is stored in the first 512 byte
- sector. Specifically, the long integer at offset 480 stores the size
- of the secondary bootstrap loader (in 512-byte blocks) and the long at
- offset 488 gives the sector number at which the secondary bootstrap
- loader starts. The first sector also stores a flag-word at offset 496
- which is always 0 and a checksum at offset 504. The checksum is
- simply the sum of the first 63 long integers in the first sector.
- If the checksum in the first sector is correct, SRM goes ahead and
- reads the size sectors starting from the sector given in the sector
- number field and places them in virtual memory at address 0x20000000.
- If the reading completes successfully, SRM performs a jump to address
- 0x20000000.
- 2. The Raw Loader
- The sources for this loader can be found in directory
- linux/arch/alpha/boot
- of the Linux kernel source distribution. It loads the Linux kernel by
- reading START_SIZE bytes starting at disk offset BOOT_SIZE+512 (also
- in bytes). The constants START_SIZE and BOOT_SIZE are defined in
- linux/include/asm-alpha/system.h. START_SIZE must be at least as big
- as the kernel image (i.e., the size of the BOOT_SIZE must be at least
- as big as the image of the raw bootstrap loader. Both constants
- should be an integer multiple of the sector size, which is 512 bytes.
- The default values are currently 2MB for START_SIZE and 16KB for
- BOOT_SIZE. Note that if you want to boot from a 1.44MB floppy disk,
- you have to reduce START_SIZE to 1400KB and make sure that the kernel
- you want to boot is no bigger than that.
- To build a raw loader, simply type make rawboot in /usr/src/linux.
- This should produce the following files in arch/alpha/boot:
- tools/lxboot:
- The first sector on the disk. It contains the offset and size
- of the next file in the format described above.
- tools/bootlx:
- The raw boot loader that will load the file below.
- vmlinux.nh:
- The raw kernel image consisting of the .text, .data, and .bss
- segments of the object file in /usr/src/linux/vmlinux. The
- extension .nh indicates that this file has no object-file
- header.
- The concatenation of these three files should be written to the disk
- from which you want to boot. For example, to boot from a floppy,
- insert an empty floppy disk in, say, /dev/fd0 and then type:
- cat tools/lxboot tools/bootlx vmlinux >/dev/fd0
- You can then shutdown the system and boot from the floppy by issueing
- the command boot dva0.
- 3. The aboot Loader
- When using the SRM firmware, aboot is the preferred way of booting
- Linux. It supports:
- ╖ direct booting from various filesystems (ext2, ISO9660, and UFS,
- the DEC Unix filesystem)
- ╖ booting of executable object files (both ELF and ECOFF)
- ╖ booting compressed kernels
- ╖ network booting (using bootp)
- ╖ partition tables in DEC Unix format (which is compatible with BSD
- Unix partition tables)
- ╖ interactive booting and default configurations for SRM consoles
- that cannot pass long option strings
- 3.1. Getting and Building aboot
- The latest sources for aboot are available in this ftp directory
- <ftp://ftp.azstarnet.com/pub/linux/axp/aboot>. The description in
- this manual applies to aboot version 0.5 or newer.
- Once you downloaded and extracted the latest tar file, take a look at
- the README and INSTALL files for installation hints. In particular,
- be sure to adjust the variables in Makefile and in include/config.h to
- match your environment. Normally, you won't need to change anything
- when building under Linux, but it is always a good idea to double
- check. If you're satisfied with the configuration, simply type make
- to build it (if you're not building under Linux, be advised that aboot
- requires GNU make).
- After running make, the aboot directory should contain the following
- files:
- aboot
- This is the actual aboot executable (either an ECOFF or ELF
- object file).
- bootlx
- Same as above, but it contains only the text, data and bss
- segments---that is, this file is not an object file.
- sdisklabel/writeboot
- Utility to install aboot on a hard disk.
- tools/e2writeboot
- Utility to install aboot on an ext2 filesystem (usually used for
- floppies only).
- tools/isomarkboot
- Utility to install aboot on a iso9660 filesystem (used by CD-ROM
- distributors).
- tools/abootconf
- Utility to configure an installed aboot.
- 3.2. Floppy Installation
- The bootloader can be installed on a floppy using the e2writeboot
- command (note: this can't be done on a Jensen since its firmware does
- not support booting from floppy). This command requires that the disk
- is not overly fragmented as it needs to find enough contiguous file
- blocks to store the entire aboot image (currently about 90KB). If
- e2writeboot fails because of this, reformat the floppy and try again
- (e.g., with fdformat(1)). For example, the following steps install
- aboot on floppy disk assuming the floppy is in drive /dev/fd0:
- fdformat /dev/fd0
- mke2fs /dev/fd0
- e2writeboot /dev/fd0 bootlx
- 3.3. Harddisk Installation
- Since the e2writeboot command may fail on highly fragmented disks and
- since reformatting a harddisk is not without pain, it is generally
- safer to install aboot on a harddisk using the swriteboot command.
- swriteboot requires that the first few sectors are reserved for
- booting purposes. We suggest that the disk be partitioned such that
- the first partition starts at an offset of 2048 sectors. This leaves
- 1MB of space for storing aboot. On a properly partitioned disk, it is
- then possible to install aboot as follows (assuming the disk is
- /dev/sda):
- swriteboot /dev/sda bootlx
- On a Jensen, you will want to leave some more space, since you need to
- write a kernel to this place, too---2MB should be sufficient when
- using compressed kernels. Use swriteboot as described in Section ``''
- to write bootlx together with the Linux kernel.
- 3.4. CD-ROM Installation
- To make a CD-ROM bootable by SRM, simply build aboot as described
- above. Then, make sure that the bootlx file is present on the iso9660
- filesystem (e.g., copy bootlx to the directory that is the filesystem
- master, then run mkisofs on that directory). After that, all that
- remains to be done is to mark the filesystem as SRM bootable. This is
- achieved with a command of the form:
- isomarkboot filesystem bootlx
- The command above assumes that filesystem is a file containing the
- iso9660 filesystem and that bootlx has been copied into the root
- directory of that filesystem. That's it!
- 3.5. Building the Linux Kernel
- A bootable Linux kernel can be built with the following steps. During
- the make config, be sure to answer "yes" to the question whether you
- want to boot the kernel via SRM.
- cd /usr/src/linux
- make config
- make dep
- make boot
- The last command will build the file arch/alpha/boot/vmlinux.gz which
- can then be copied to the disk from which you want to boot from. In
- our floppy disk example above, this would entail:
- mount /dev/fd0 /mnt
- cp arch/alpha/boot/vmlinux.gz /mnt
- umount /mnt
- 3.6. Booting Linux
- With the SRM firmware and aboot installed, Linux is generally booted
- with a command of the form:
- boot devicename -fi filename -fl flags
- The filename and flags arguments are optional. If they are not
- specified, SRM uses the default values stored in environment variables
- BOOT_OSFILE and BOOT_OSFLAGS. The syntax and meaning of these two
- arguments is described in more detail below.
- 3.6.1. Boot Filename
- The filename argument takes the form:
- [n/]filename
- n is a single digit in the range 1..8 that gives the partition number
- from which to boot from. filename is the path of the file you want
- boot. For example to boot from the second partition of SCSI device 6,
- you would enter:
- boot dka600 -file 2/vmlinux.gz
- Or to boot from floppy drive 0, you'd enter:
- boot dva0 -file vmlinux.gz
- If a disk has no partition table , aboot pretends the disk contains
- one ext2 partition starting at the first diskblock. This allows
- booting from floppy disks.
- As a special case, partition number 0 is used to request booting from
- a disk that does not (yet) contain a file system. When specifying
- "partition" number 0, aboot assumes that the Linux kernel is stored
- right behind the aboot image. Such a layout can be achieved with the
- swriteboot command. For example, to setup a filesystem-less boot from
- /dev/sda, one could use the command:
- swriteboot /dev/sda bootlx vmlinux.gz
- Booting a system in this way is not normally necessary. The reason
- this feature exists is to make it possible to get Linux installed on a
- systems that can't boot from a floppy disk (e.g., the Jensen).
- 3.6.2. Boot Flags
- A number of bootflags can be specified. The syntax is:
- -flags "options..."
- Where "options..." is any combination the following options (separated
- by blanks). There are many more bootoptions, depending on what
- drivers your kernel has installed. The options listed below are
- therefore just examples to illustrate the general idea:
- load_ramdisk=1
- Copy root file system from a (floppy) disk to the RAM disk
- before starting the system. The RAM disk will be used in lieu
- of the root device. This is useful to bootstrap Linux on a
- system with only one floppy drive.
- floppy=str
- Sets floppy configuration to str.
- root=dev
- Select device dev as the root-file system. The device can be
- specified as a major/minor hex number (e.g., 0x802 for
- /dev/sda2) or one of a few canonical names (e.g., /dev/fd0,
- /dev/sda2).
- single
- Boot system in single user mode.
- kgdb
- Enable kernel-gdb (works only if CONFIG_KGDB is enabled; a
- second Alpha system needs to be connected over the serial port
- in order to make this work)
- Some SRM implementations (e.g., the one for the Jensen) are
- handicapped and allow only short option strings (e.g., at most 8
- characters). In such a case, aboot can be booted with the single-
- character boot flag "i". With this flag, aboot will prompt the user
- to interacively enter a boot option string of up to 256 characters.
- For example:
- boot dka0 -fl i
- aboot> 3/vmlinux.gz root=/dev/sda3 single
- Since booting in that manner quickly becomes tedious, aboot allows to
- define short-hands for frequently used commandlines. In particular, a
- single digit option (0-9) requests that aboot uses the corresponding
- option string stored in file /etc/aboot.conf. A sample aboot.conf is
- shown below:
- #
- # aboot default configurations
- #
- 0:3/vmlinux.gz root=/dev/sda3
- 1:3/vmlinux.gz root=/dev/sda3 single
- 2:3/vmlinux.new.gz root=/dev/sda3
- 3:3/vmlinux root=/dev/sda3
- 8:- root=/dev/sda3 # fs-less boot of raw kernel
- 9:0/vmlinux.gz root=/dev/sda3 # fs-less boot of (compressed) ECOFF kernel
- -
- With this configuration file, the command
- boot dka0 -fl 1
- corresponds exactly to the boot command shown above. It is quite easy
- to forget what number corresponds to what option string. To alleviate
- this problem, boot with option "h" and aboot will print the contents
- of /etc/aboot.conf before issueing the prompt for the full option
- string.
- Finally, whenever aboot prompts for an option string, it is possible
- to enter one of the single character flags ("i", "h", or "0"-"9") to
- get the same effect as if that flag had been specified in the boot
- command line. For example, you could boot with flag "i" and then type
- "h" (followed by return) to remind yourself of the contents of
- /etc/aboot.conf
- Selecting the Partition of /etc/aboot.conf
- When installed on a harddisk, aboot needs to know what partition to
- search for the /etc/aboot.conf file. A newly compiled aboot will
- search the second partition (e.g., /dev/sda2). Since it would be
- inconvenient to have to recompile aboot just to change the partition
- number, abootconf allows to directly modify an installed aboot.
- Specifically, if you want to change aboot to use the third partition
- on disk /dev/sda, you'd use the command:
- abootconf /dev/sda 3
- You can verify the current setting by simply omitting the partition
- number. That is: abootconf /dev/sda will print the currently selected
- partition number. Note that aboot does have to be installed already
- for this command to succeed. Also, when installing a new aboot, the
- partition number will fall back to the default (i.e., it will be
- necessary to rerun abootconf).
- Since aboot version 0.5, it is also possible to select the aboot.conf
- partition via the boot command line. This can be done with a command
- line of the form a:b where a is the partition that holds
- /etc/aboot.conf and b is a single-letter option as described above
- (0-9, i, or h). For example, if you type boot -fl "3:h" dka100 the
- system boots from SCSI ID 1, loads /etc/aboot.conf from the third
- partition, prints its contents on the screen and waits for you to
- enter the boot options.
- 3.7. Booting Over the Network
- Two prelimenary steps are necessary before Linux can be booted via a
- network. First, you need to set the SRM environment variables to
- enable booting via the bootp protocol and second you need to setup
- another machine as the your boot server. Please refer to the SRM
- documentation that came with your machine for information on how to
- enable bootp. Setting up the boot server is obviously dependent on
- what operating system that machine is running, but typically it
- involves starting the program bootpd in the background after
- configuring the /etc/bootptab file. The bootptab file has one entry
- describing each client that is allowed to boot from the server. For
- example, if you want to boot the machine myhost.cs.arizona.edu, then
- an entry of the following form would be needed:
- myhost.cs.arizona.edu:\
- :hd=/remote/:bf=vmlinux.bootp:\
- :ht=ethernet:ha=08012B1C51F8:hn:vm=rfc1048:\
- :ip=
- This entry assumes that the machine's Ethernet address is 08012B1C51F8
- and that its IP address is The Ethernet address can be
- found with the show device command of the SRM console or, if Linux is
- running, with the ifconfig command. The entry also defines that if
- the client does not specify otherwise, the file that will be booted is
- vmlinux.bootp in directory /remote. For more information on
- configuring bootpd, please refer to its man page.
- Next, build aboot with with the command make netboot. Make sure the
- kernel that you want to boot has been built already. By default, the
- aboot Makefile uses the kernel in
- /usr/src/linux/arch/alpha/boot/vmlinux.gz (edit the Makefile if you
- want to use a different path). The result of make netboot is a file
- called vmlinux.bootp which contains aboot and the Linux kernel, ready
- for network booting.
- Finally, copy vmlinux.bootp to the bootsever's directory. In the
- example above, you'd copy it into /remote/vmlinux.bootp. Next, power
- up the client machine and boot it, specifying the Ethernet adapter as
- the boot device. Typically, SRM calls the first Ethernet adapter
- ewa0, so to boot from that device, you'd use the command:
- boot ewa0
- The -fi and -fl options can be used as usual. In particular, you can
- ask aboot to prompt for Linux kernel arguments by specifying the
- option -fl i.
- 4. Sharing a Disk With DEC Unix
- Unfortunately, DEC Unix doesn't know anything about Linux, so sharing
- a single disk between the two OSes is not entirely trivial. However,
- it is not a difficult task if you heed the tips in this section. The
- section assumes you are using aboot version 0.5 or newer.
- 4.1. Partitioning the disk
- First and foremost: never use any of the Linux partitioning programs
- (minlabel or fdisk) on a disk that is also used by DEC Unix. The
- Linux minlabel program uses the same partition table format as DEC
- Unix disklabel, but there are some incompatibilities in the data that
- minlabel fills in, so DEC Unix will simply refuse to accept a
- partition table generated by minlabel. To setup a Linux ext2
- partition under DEC Unix, you'll have to change the disktab entry for
- your disk. For the purpose of this discussion, let's assume that you
- have an rz26 disk (a common 1GB drive) on which you want to install
- Linux. The disktab entry under DEC Unix v3.2 looks like this (see
- file /etc/disktab):
- rz26|RZ26|DEC RZ26 Winchester:\
- :ty=winchester:dt=SCSI:ns#57:nt#14:nc#2570:\
- :oa#0:pa#131072:ba#8192:fa#1024:\
- :ob#131072:pb#262144:bb#8192:fb#1024:\
- :oc#0:pc#2050860:bc#8192:fc#1024:\
- :od#393216:pd#552548:bd#8192:fd#1024:\
- :oe#945764:pe#552548:be#8192:fe#1024:\
- :of#1498312:pf#552548:bf#8192:ff#1024:\
- :og#393216:pg#819200:bg#8192:fg#1024:\
- :oh#1212416:ph#838444:bh#8192:fh#1024:
- The interesting fields here are o?, and p?, where ? is a letter in the
- range a-h (first through 8-th partition). The o value gives the
- starting offset of the partition (in sectors) and the p value gives
- the size of the partition (also in sectors). See disktab(4) for more
- info. Note that DEC Unix likes to define overlapping partitions. For
- the entry above, the partition layout looks like this (you can verify
- this by adding up the various o and p values):
- a b d e f
- |---|-------|-----------|-----------|-----------|
- c
- |-----------------------------------------------|
- g h
- |-----------------|-----------------|
- DEC Unix insists that partition a starts at offset 0 and that
- partition c spans the entire disk. Other than that, you can setup the
- partition table any way you like.
- Let's suppose you have DEC Unix using partition g and want to install
- Linux on partition h with partition b being a (largish) swap
- partition. To get this layout without destroying the existing DEC
- Unix partition, you need to set the partition types explicitly. You
- can do this by adding a t field for each partition. In our case, we
- add the following line to the above disktab entry.
- :ta=unused:tb=swap:tg=4.2BSD:th=resrvd8:
- Now why do we mark partition h as "reservd8" instead of "ext2"? Well,
- DEC Unix doesn't know about Linux. It so happens that partition type
- "ext2" corresponds to a numeric value of 8, and DEC Unix uses the
- string "reservd8" for that value. Thus, in DEC Unix speak, "reservd8"
- means "ext2". OK, this was the hard part. Now we just need to
- install the updated disktab entry on the disk. Let's assume the disk
- has SCSI id 5. In this case, we'd do:
- disklabel -rw /dev/rrz5c rz26
- You can verify that everything is all right by reading back the
- disklabel with disklabel -r /dev/rrz5c. At this point, you may want
- to reboot DEC Unix and make sure the existing DEC Unix partition is
- still alive and well. If that is the case, you can shut down the
- machine and start with the Linux installation. Be sure to skip the
- disk partitioning step during the install. Since we already installed
- a good partition table, you should be able to proceed and select the
- 8th partition as the Linux root partition and the 2nd partition as the
- swap partition. If the disk is, say, the second SCSI disk in the
- machine, then the device name for these partitions would be /dev/sdb8
- and /dev/sdb2, respectively (note that Linux uses letters to name the
- drives and numbers to name the partitions, which is exactly reversed
- from what DEC Unix does; the Linux scheme makes more sense, of course
- ;-).
- 4.2. Installing aboot
- First big caveat: with the SRM firmware, you can boot one and only one
- operating system per disk. For this reason, it is generally best to
- have at least two SCSI disks in a machine that you want to dualboot
- between Linux and DEC Unix. Of course, you could also boot Linux from
- a floppy if speed doesn't matter or over the network, if you have a
- bootp-capable server. But in this section we assume you want to boot
- Linux from a disk that contains one or more DEC Unix partitions.
- Second big caveat: installing aboot on a disk shared with DEC Unix
- renders the first and third partition unusable (since those must have
- a starting offset of 0). For this reason, we recommend that you
- change the size of partition a to something that is just big enough to
- hold aboot (1MB should be plenty).
- Once these two caveats are taken care of, installing aboot is almost
- as easy as usual: since partition a and c will overlap with aboot, we
- need to tell swriteboot that this is indeed OK. We can do this under
- Linux with a command line of the following form (again, assuming we're
- trying to install aboot on the second SCSI disk):
- swriteboot -f1 -f3 /dev/sdb bootlx
- The -f1 means that we want to force writing bootlx even though it
- overlaps with partition 1. The corresponding applies for partition 3.
- This is it. You should now be able to shutdown the system and boot
- Linux from the harddisk. In our example, the SRM command line to do
- this would be:
- boot dka5 -fi 8/vmlinux.gz -fl root=/dev/sdb8